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Industrial Unit Descriptions
Industrial Units are the heart of every Nation, they give growth in the form of (GP) Growth Percentage, which increases the wealth of each Nation, sybolizing a form of prosperity. Industrial Units are the equivalents of modernization of rural areas, job creation, government facilities, sewage treatment, communities, parks, the list goes on. Basically Industrial Units are the meat on the bones.
Growth Percentage, the easiest way to describe GP is “profit” plain and simple. How does GP work? GP works off of the remaining EP's that a player has at the end of a turn, it is a percentage amount of EP's that the player is allowed to keep and transfer over to the next turn. For example, if a player has 50 EP's remaining at the end of a turn and a GP of 10%, the player loses 45 EP's and may transfer 5 EP's over to the next turn, however if the same player has a GP of 110% then the player loses nothing and is able to transfer 55 EP's to the following turn. GP is an important economic strategic tool.

Universities: This is a general term used to describe these Units. A University Unit is actually the aggregate of learning institutes, religious centers, museums, science labs, libraries, hospitals and the like.
Cost: Cost 35 EP's Supply Requirements: Produce.
Prerequisites: 35 EP's.
For each University Unit a player may advance in a level of ER,TR and MR at a cost of only 15 EP's. One level in each category per University Unit, whether the unit supplied or not.
When Supplied the player earns one Positive Political Point.
Each Supplied University Unit gives a 3% Growth Percentage (GP) toward EP's not spent before the turn ends.
University Units do not inhibit the Farmland capabilities of a territory.
Staring on Level 6 of TR options only available to players with 6 or more Universities open up.
Up to four University Units may be liquidated during a turn on phase 6, earning 25 EP's each. The Units are removed from the board. No Negative Political Points are incurred
May have as many as five University Units per territory (as part of the total Industrial Unit count).
When Unsupplied the player incurs one Negative Political Point and no GP.
When two or more University Units are Unsupplied there is a chance for a revolution within the players territories, using the Revolution Formula that follows: (Note: The following interactive formula can be found by clicking here)
(|-PP's| + (Uu)2 + (Lu)2 - Su - Scbc - Sfbf - Sm)/10 = R index. Where |-PP's| = the absolute value of the player's Negative Political Points, Uu = the number of Unsupplied Universities, Lu = the number of Liquidated Universities, Su = the number of Supplied Universities, Scbc = the number of Cities and Bio-Cities (Supplied), Sfbf = the number of Factories and Bio-Factories (Supplied) and Sm = the number of (Supplied) Military Units in territories with the player's Unsupplied University Units. For example; (|-5| + (2)2 + (0)2 - 2 - 8 - 3 - 6 = 5 + 4 + 0 - 2 - 8 - 3 - 6)/10 = -1 = R index. If the R index is equal to or greater than one, (R index >= 1), there is a Revolution. In this case there is no Revolution because the R index is -1 which is less than one. If the R index had been equal to or greater than one then the player picks (Starting with territories containing the unsupplied University units) the territories taken by the revolutionaries equal to the R index. The player then replaces any Units that the player posses in those territories with IFA Units of the same type (IFA only has Industrial and Foreign Aid Infantry Units, so all other type of Units will be lost, any Resource Units that where in those selected territories go directly into the market) place an additional IFA Foreign Aid Unit per territory taken on said taken territories. The player removes their Nationality Units and incurs one Negative Political Point per territory lost. The levels of Research that the player possessed at the time of the Revolution are now available to Terrorists, see Terrorism on page ().

City: This is a general term used to describe these Units. A City Unit is actually the aggregate of urban areas, small and large towns and several metropolitan and government centers.
Cost: 10 EP's. Supply Requirements, Oil and Produce.
Prerequisites: 10 EP's.
For each City Unit up to 10 a player has supplied the player may deduct 2 EP's off the cost of Infantry Units, for up to a total deduction of 20 EP's per Infantry Unit.
When Supplied the player earns one Positive Political Point.
Each Supplied City Unit gives a 8% Growth Percentage (GP) toward EP's not spent before the turn ends. At L3 TR City Units gain a +1% to GP making it a 9%.
May have up to five City Units per territory.
City Units have a natural Defense value of 5.
For every City Unit built an Overpopulation Unit may be eliminated.
City Units can be converted to Bio-City Units at L6 TR for 40 EP's.
City Units have a Zone of Control. (ZOC)
When Unsupplied the player incurs one Negative Political Point and no GP.
City Units inhibit the Farmland capabilities of a territory.
When two or more City Units or a Bio-City Unit and a City Unit are Unsupplied there is a chance for social discord within the players territories, using the Anarchy Formula that follows: (Note: The following interactive formula can be found by clicking here)
(|-PP's| + (Ucbc)2 - Smucbc)/10 = A index Where |-PP's| = the absolute value of the player's Negative Political Points, Ucbc = the number of Cities and Bio-Cities Unsupplied, Smucbc = the number of (Supplied) Military Units in territories with the player's Unsupplied City and Bio-City Units. For example; (|-4| + (2)2 - 0)/10 = (4+ 4)/10 = 8/10 = A index. If the A index is equal to or greater than one and less than 10, (1 <= A index < 10), then there is social disorder, the player must pay 5 EP's per Unsupplied City and Bio-City Unit, if the player does not have the EP's to pay, the player incurs an additional Negative Political Point per Unsupplied City and Bio-City Unit. If the A index is equal to or grater than 10, (A index >= 10), than social anarchy exists, the territory or territories with the Unsupplied City and Bio-City Units incur an Overpopulation Units. See Conditional Units.
City Units are prone to Pollution, see Conditional Units.
Contributes to Global Warming.

Mining: This is a general term used to describe these Units. A Mining Unit is actually the aggregate of several industries, logging, strip mining, quarries and the like.
Cost: 5 EP's Supply Requirements: Produce.
Prerequisites: 5 EP's .
For each Mining Unit and L1 of ER a player may search for Gold and Steel.
When Supplied the player earns one Positive Political Point.
Each Supplied Mining Unit gives a 3% Growth Percentage (GP) toward EP's not spent before the turn ends.
Staring on Level 6 of TR options only available to players with 6 or more Universities open up for Mining Units.
Mining Units may attack and defend like Military Units but not move.
May be Liquidated and taken off the board for cost of 10 EP's.
When Unsupplied the player incurs one Negative Political Point and no GP.
May not attack when Unsupplied.
Mining Units inhibit the Farmland capabilities of a territory.
May have only one Mining Unit per territory.
Contributes to Global Warming.

Factory: This is a general term used to describe these Units. A Factory Unit is actually the aggregate of several manufacturing industries, from ball bearings to computer chips, etc.
Cost: 15 EP's and a Steel Unit to manufacture. Supply Requirements, Oil.
Prerequisites: 15 EP's .
Factory Units and their Bio-Factory counterpart are the only means of manufacturing Armor, Air-Transport, Sea-Transport, Missiles and other special items, Supplied or Unsupplied the Factory Unit will function in this capacity.
When Supplied the player earns one Positive Political Point.
Each Supplied Factory Unit gives a 3% Growth Percentage (GP) toward EP's not spent before the turn ends.
For each Factory Unit and/or Bio-Factory Unit up to 10 a player has supplied the player may deduct 2 EP's off the cost of Armor Units, for up to a total deduction of 20 EP's per Armor, Air-Transport, Sea-Transport, and Missile Units.
Factory Units may defend like Military Units but not move.
May be Liquidated and taken off the board for cost of 45 EP's
When Unsupplied the player incurs one Negative Political Point and no GP.
Factory Units inhibit the Farmland capabilities of a territory.
May only Manufacture one class of Unit per turn per Factory Unit, example Armor or Sea-Transport but not both.
May only have up to three Factory Units per territory.
Contributes to Global Warming.

Refinery: This is a general term used to describe these Units. A Refinery Unit is actually the aggregate of several processing industries, from drilling oil, natural gas, etc. to the various products manufactured, however its primary function is to produce potential energy.
Cost: 10 EP's and a Steel Unit to manufacture. Supply Requirements, none.
Prerequisites: 10 EP's .
For each Refinery Unit and L1 of ER a player may search for Oil.
For each Refinery Unit the player earns one Positive Political Point.
Each Refinery Unit gives a 3% Growth Percentage (GP) toward EP's not spent before the turn ends.
Staring on Level 8 of TR options only available to players with 8 or more Universities open up for Refinery Units.
Refinery Units may defend like Military Units but not move nor attack.
May be Liquidated and taken off the board for cost of 15 EP's
No more than one Refinery Unit per territory.
When a Dry Well is achieved must wait till Level 8 of TR for any further use.
Contributes to Global Warming.
How Refinery Units work:

Bio-City: This is a general term used to describe these Units. A Bio-City Unit like its counter part the City Unit is actually the aggregate of urban areas, small and large towns and several metropolitan and government centers, but the difference is in its optimization with the environment.
Cost: 35 EP's Supply
Requirements: Oil and Produce.
Prerequisites: 35 EP's.
For each City Unit up to 10 a player has supplied the player may deduct 2 EP's off the cost of Infantry Units, for up to a total deduction of 20 EP's per Infantry Unit.
When Supplied the player earns one Positive Political Point.
Each Supplied Bio-City Unit gives a 10% Growth Percentage (GP) toward EP's not spent before the turn ends.
May have up to five Bio-City Units per territory.
Bio-City Units have a natural Defense value of 6.
Bio-City Units can be built in Space at L8 TR plus met conditions.
Bio-City Units have a Zone of Control. (ZOC)
Bio-City Units do not inhibit the Farmland capabilities of a territory.
Bio-City Units are not prone to Pollution.
Does not contributes to Global Warming.
When Unsupplied the player incurs one Negative Political Point and no GP.
When two or more Bio-City Units or a Bio-City Unit and a City Unit are Unsupplied there is a chance for social discord within the players territories, using the Anarchy Formula that follows: (Note: The following interactive formula can be found by clicking here)
|-PP's| + (Ucbc)2 - Smucbc = A index Where |-PP's| = the absolute value of the player's Negative Political Points, Ucbc = the number of Cities and Bio-cities Unsupplied, Smucbc = the number of (Supplied) Military Units in territories with the player's Unsupplied City and Bio-City Units. For example; |-4| + (2)2 - 0 = 4+ 4 = 8 = A index. If the A index is equal to or greater than one and less than 10, (1 <= A index < 10), then there is social disorder, the player must pay 5 EP's per Unsupplied City and Bio-City Unit, if the player does not have the EP's to pay, the player incurs an additional Negative Political Point per Unsupplied City and Bio-City Unit. If the A index is equal to or grater than 10, (A index >= 10), than social anarchy exists, the territory or territories with the Unsupplied City and Bio-City Units incur an Overpopulation Units. See Conditional Units.

Bio-Factory: This is a general term used to describe these Units. A Bio-Factory Unit is actually the aggregate of several manufacturing industries, from ball bearings to computer chips, but the difference is in its optimization with the environment.
Cost: 35 EP's and a Steel Unit to manufacture. Supply Requirements, Oil.
Prerequisites: 35 EP's .
Bio-Factory Units and their Factory counterpart are the only means of manufacturing Armor, Air-Transport, Sea-Transport, Missiles and other special items, Supplied or Unsupplied the Bio-Factory Unit will function in this capacity.
When Supplied the player earns one Positive Political Point.
Each Supplied Bio-Factory Unit gives a 3% Growth Percentage (GP) toward EP's not spent before the turn ends.
For each Bio-Factory Unit and/or Factory Unit up to 10 a player has supplied the player may deduct 2 EP's off the cost of Armor Units, for up to a total deduction of 20 EP's per Armor, Air-Transport, Sea-Transport, and Missile Units.
Bio-Factory Units may defend like Military Units but not move.
Bio-Factory Units do not inhibit the Farmland capabilities of a territory.
Does not contributes to Global Warming.
When Unsupplied the player incurs one Negative Political Point and no GP.
May only Manufacture one class of Unit per turn per Bio-Factory Unit, example Armor or Missile Units but not both.
May only have up to three Bio-Factory Units per territory.

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