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Foreign Aid Unit Descriptions
Foreign Aid comes in two flavors Sponsored (domestic) and Independent (non-domestic). Sponsored Foreign Aid (SFA), is available to players at Level 1 of Military Research. Independent Foreign Aid (IFA Infantry ) is available to all players.
Foreign Aid offers an inexpensive way (in a manner of speaking) of
waging War. History has shown the danger or risk that the sponsoring
nation may suffer through their use. The game mechanics attempt to
replicate that same risk. With that warning use SFA at your own risk.
SFA Units are controlled by the player of the appropriate nationality
identified on the Units by their color and letter designation.
Foreign Aid : This is a general term used to describe
these Units. An SFA Unit is actually the aggregate of puppet
governments, mercenaries and covert operatives.
Cost: 10 EP's or free through Intelligence Operations.
Prerequisites: Level 1 or higher of Military Research. Supply requirements Produce .
The ability to gain territories for your Nation without declaring war.
Can be used to quell social unrest.
May have as many SFA Units per territory as desired.
At progressive levels of Military Research other benefits become available.
Have attack, defense and movement capabilities.
May be Decommissioned for 5 EP's and removed from the board on phase 14.
May be transported.
When Unsupplied the player incurs one Negative Political Point and the SFA Unit is converted into an IFA Infantry Unit on a roll of 20 on a 1d20 +|-PP|, that is plus the absolute value of Negative Political Points. For example if the player has -10 PP's the absolute value is 10. If converted to an IFA Unit and there are no enemy Units (this includes yours) in the territory remove your Nationality Unit in that territory and incur an additional -1 PP, if there are enemy Units (this includes yours) resolve the Contested territory (during the Combat phase of the turn) and remove your Nationality Unit in that territory incur -1PP. Note: After Combat if you gain back your territory place your Nationality Unit in that territory and gain +1PP.
While Unsupplied SFA Units cannot move, attack or defend.
Are vulnerable to other Players converting your SFA into their SFA through I.OP.
Have no Zone Of Control (ZOC).
To keep active must Supply these Units.
May be Captured.
Foreign Aid (IFA Infantry ), has the potential to evolve into an
Independent Foreign Nation, when certain circumstances occur. These
Units can be considered Neutral for all general purposes because once
they are placed on the board the player no longer has any control
over them.
Independent Foreign Aid Infantry : This is a general term used to describe these Units. An IFA Infantry Unit is actually the aggregate of freedom fighters, partisans, terrorists, rebels and citizens.
Cost: 5 EP's or free through Intelligence Operations.
Prerequisites: Only available when an Unoccupied territory has had War declared on it or through Intelligence Operations. Supply requirements, none.
Available to all Players.
Does not require supply.
May have as many IFA Units per territory as desired.
Can be used as a buffer or deterrent.
Have defense capabilities.
May be semi-controlled by a player who only exists in the World Bank.
May be Liberated by players with MR 1 or higher that are at War with the aggressor nation. See Liberation.
Player has no control over these Units.
Under Special conditions (Revolution) IFA Infantry may inherit Levels of Research from the nation of succession.
Have no Zone Of Control (ZOC).
Desrtoid if cannot move for a Retreat result in combat.
Universities: This is a general term used to describe
these Units. An IFA University Unit is actually the aggregate of
learning institutes, museums, science labs, libraries, hospitals and
the like.
Cost: 0.
Prerequisites: Revolution.
The levels of Research that the player possessed at the time of the Revolution are now available to Terrorists, this means if the player possessed Nuclear or Biological weapons capabilities, so does the new Independent Nation, and it will use these weapons against the player it succeeded from once a turn.
This is a general term used to describe these Units. An IFA City Unit
is actually the aggregate of urban areas, small and large towns and
several metropolitan and government centers.
Cost: 0.
Prerequisites: Revolution.
The levels of Research that the player possessed at the time of the Revolution are now available to Terrorists, this means if the player possessed Nuclear or Biological weapons capabilities, so does the new Independent Nation, and it will use these weapons against the player it succeeded from once a turn.
This is a general term used to describe these Units. A Mining Unit is
actually the aggregate of several industries, logging, strip mining,
quarries and the like.
Cost: 0.
Prerequisites: Revolution.
The levels of Research that the player possessed at the time of the Revolution are now available to Terrorists, this means if the player possessed Nuclear or Biological weapons capabilities, so does the new Independent Nation, and it will use these weapons against the player it succeeded from once a turn.
This is a general term used to describe these Units. A Mining Unit is
actually the aggregate of several industries, logging, strip mining,
quarries and the like.
Cost: 0.
Prerequisites: Revolution.
The levels of Research that the player possessed at the time of the Revolution are now available to Terrorists, this means if the player possessed Nuclear or Biological weapons capabilities, so does the new Independent Nation, and it will use these weapons against the player it succeeded from once a turn.

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