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Economic and Political Points
The core mechanics of the game are its Economic Point system and Political Point system, EP's and PP's for short. We will look at EP's first.
EP's are the life blood of the game. One accomplishes everything with EP's, from research to bribery. EP's are the currency of each nation; some nations will have more so obviously some will have less. EP's are gained by various means listed below:
a) At the beginning of the game turn by counting the number of territories one controls. Each territory controlled by the player earns a base of 10 EP's.
b) By Growth Percentage (GP). GP is calculated from the previous turn's EP's that were not spent before the new turn begins and is determined by territories and Industrial Units. EP's gained form GP will be added to the new turn’s total.
c) By possessing a relational amount of Gold indexed against the World Market at the beginning of the new turn.
d) By the Market or other players through the economic system, lending or bribery.
e) From interest gained on EP's placed in the World Bank.
Political Points represent everything from a Nation's moral to governmental efficiency and propaganda. Political Points influence not only the social and financial destiny of a Nation but also the fate of the game world. A good analogy of Political Points is that of a barometer of the attitude of a nation and the game world. Political Points are dynamic, that is they are always in a state of flux. During a single game turn Political Points will rise and fall many times. There two types of Political Points, Positive and Negative described below.
Positive Political Points can be spent to increase rolls for certain Resources and Research, attacking combat units, defending combat units, development of nuclear and biological weapons, space technology, Intelligence and Counter Intelligence Operations and negation of Negative Political Points.
Positive Political Points are earned in the following ways.
a) At the beginning of the game turn by counting the number of territories one controls. Each territory controlled by the player earns one Positive Political Point.
b) By investing in levels of Economic, Technical and Military Research.
c) By having Gold units, for every Gold unit the player owns the player earns one Positive Political Point.
d) During the Supply phase of the turn for every City, Bio-City, Factory, Bio-Factory, University and Mining unit that the player has supplied the player earns one Positive Political Point.
e) Through Intelligence Operations by gaining territories, one Positive Political Point per territory gained.
f) By investing or having invested in the World Bank, the player earns one Positive Political Point for every 10 EP's invested.
g) Each time a player declares war on your nation you receive five Positive Political Points.
h) By conquering new territories, the player gains one Positive Political Point for every territory gained in battle.
Negative Political Points may be nullified by Positive Political Points if the player wishes to do so, and although it is advised to do so, many players take their chances with the accumulation of Negative Political Points. The danger lies in the insidious nature of Negative Political Points. At first Negative Political Points may seem harmless with the loss of a few EP's here and there, but eventually they can lead to social deterioration and even revolution.
Negative Political Points are incurred in the following ways.
a) Through Intelligence Operations by loosing territories, one Negative Political Point per territory lost.
b) By withdrawing EP's from the World Bank, the player incurs one Negative Political Point for every 10 EP's withdrawn beyond the interest gained.
c) During the Supply phase of the turn for every City, Bio-City, Factory, Bio-Factory, University and Mining unit that the player has unsupplied the player incurs one Negative Political Point.
d) By loosing territories in battle, for every territory lost the player incurs one Negative Political Point.
e) By Conditional Units (special conditions incur different Negative Political Points).

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