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Conditional Units
Conditional Units reflect everything from natural disasters to events caused by the players actions or inactions. Some Conditional Events are random others are set in motion from either preexisting conditions or side affects from other conditions. Many of the existing conditions can be combated by cooperative play, yet some of these same conditions maybe instigated also by cooperative play. Conditional Events often lead to innovation on the players part as they either work together to solve the problem, face the problem alone or created the problem to cripple other players.

Drought/New Land: Drought/New Land Units are desert like and arid. A Drought/New Land Unit inhibits the Farmland capabilities of the Hex or the territory they occupy. Units may be built upon Drought/New Land Units normally, this includes Mining and Refinery Units as well. If however a Drought/New Land Unit has only Bio-City or Bio-Factory Units built upon them, the Hex or territory does become Farmland and is capable of growing Produce, under these conditions the hex is considered New Land.
The Conditional Drought/New Land Unit does not incur any -PP's, however they do contribute to Outbreaks and Epidemic calculations.
Factors that bring the Drought/New Land Unit into play can be random, but also deterministic (that is caused or influenced by other conditions). If the Polar regions grow, a trigger event will cause inland and coastal regions of the continents to either suffer a Drought (for inland) or become New Land (for coastal). The Drought/New Land and Flood Chart Coordinates, after the die rolls gives the coordinates to as where the Conditional Unit is to be placed.

Flood: Flood Units represent everything from tsunamis to rising sea levels to constant storms etc. A hex that contains a Flood Unit can not be counted for Farmland purposes.
Industrial Units that were already built upon territories before a Conditional Event Flood Unit made its presence may not be destroyed if the player has The Environmental Early Warning Chart, however Industrial Units (with the exception of Bio-Cities and Bio-Factories) will require twice the Supply in order to be Supplied, Liquidation of these Units is also twice the cost. If the player does not have The Environmental Early Warning Chart, all Units on the territory with the Flood Unit are destroyed, the Player incurs a Negative Political Point per Unit destroyed and an Outbreak and Overpopulation Unit in those territories.
Any Land territory that has an Industrial Unit or Units that are Unsupplied and a Flood Unit automatically incurs an Overpopulation Unit.
The Flood Unit does not incur any -PP's, however they do contribute to Outbreaks and Epidemic calculations.
Factors that bring the Flood Unit into play can be random, but also deterministic (that is caused or influenced by other conditions).
If an Impact or Volcanism Conditional Event occurs in any sea hex the Magnitude of the Impact or Volcanism will Flood up to the radius of the Magnitude, for example an Impact of Magnitude 1 will have a radius of 1 hex, an Impact of 4 will have a radius of 4 hexes.
If the Polar regions shrink, a trigger event will cause inland and coastal regions of the continents to Flood. The Drought/New Land and Flood Chart Coordinates, after the die rolls gives the coordinates to as where the Conditional Unit is to be placed.

Ice Sheet: An Ice Sheet is a glacier or heavy thick ice. Ice Sheet Units inhibit the Farmland capabilities of the Hex or territory they occupy.
The Game World, before Industrialization begins is slowly on its way to becoming a frozen planet. The entire Game Board will be covered with Ice Sheets (if no other Conditional Events occur, this includes player action) by turn 17. The Global Warming/Freezing Calculations formula gives the players an idea where the Game World is headed and works like a prediction calender, however a single Conditional Event can swing the pendulum from which recovery is highly improbable or actually save the Game World from the players' abuse of the Game World.
The Poles tend to shrink and grow depending upon certain conditions, this growth and shrinkage of the polar caps triggers other Conditional Events to occur. When Ice Sheets grow, the row that is to receive the new Ice Sheet Units gets prioritized to any land territories before being placed on a sea hex, shrinkage prioritizes sea hexes for removal before land territories.
Units may be built upon Ice Sheet Units normally, this includes Mining and Refinery Units as well, but Supply requirements are double. If however an Ice Sheet Unit has a Bio-City or Bio-Factory Units built upon them, Supply Requirements are normal for all Units on that hex.

Impact: An Impact is caused by a collision between a large external force and the Game World surface. Impacts have magnitudes of severity, a magnitude of 1 being the least severe, and a magnitude of 8 being an Extinction Level Impact. Below are two links for calculating impacts.
Earth Impact Effects Program and Impact Calculator

Outbreak: Outbreak Units come into play randomly and because of other conditions that lead to their appearance.

Over Population: Overpopulation Units: Overpopulation represents more than just “too many people” it takes into consideration new housing, building renewals, sewage treatment, drinking water, the need for medical centers, and sustainability etc.
Overpopulation Units are incurred on phase 20. For every -3PP's a nation has an Overpopulation Unit is placed on a territory. No more than 5 Overpopulation Units may be placed in any one territory. If a player's nation can no longer place any Overpopulation Units within his or her nation, than that nation has reached their Overpopulation Limit (see Overpopulation Limit).
Overpopulation Units can be removed by building City Units. For every City Unit built an Overpopulation Unit may be removed. Overpopulation Units may also be removed at a cost of +15 PP's per Overpopulation Unit on phase 20.
During the Supply Phase for every Overpopulation Unit in the player's nation the player incurs -1 PP.
Any territory that contains an Overpopulation Unit taken in combat or by other means, still retains the Overpopulation Unit and is now the responsibility of the controlling nation (with the exception of IFA, see Independent Foreign Nation). Overpopulation Units are not considered casualties of war through combat with the exception of Nuclear and/or Biological Warhead detonations.
Overpopulation Outbreak Check: An Outbreak Check occurs on phase 20. This check is a percentage that is derived by counting the total number of Overpopulation, Pollution, Flood, and Drought Units in the player's nation and adding this number to the absolute value of the player's -PP's. For example if the player has 10 Overpopulation Units and 6 Negative Political Points, then the percentage chance of an Outbreak occurring is 16%.
Overpopulation Limit: When a nation reaches its Overpopulation Limit, the nation is thrown instantly into revolt and all Industrial and Military Units are converted into IFA Units, Units that cannot be converted are placed into the World Market and will be available for players to bid on during the Open Market phase, EP's spent are absorbed by the World Market. The player whose nation revolted may still be in the game if that player currently has EP's in the World Bank (see World Bank). The new IFA nation retains the levels of ER, TR and MR of the original nation however all resources currently in that nation are immediately placed into the World Market and any production that the nation had in motion is halted.

Pollution / Atmosphere: Pollution / Atmosphere Conditional Units can be caused by natural events or because of the players

Radioactivity: Radioactivity Units normally only come into play because of a Nuclear Warhead detonation, thee are however a few natural causes for Radioactivity Units

Solar Flare: Solar Flares affect massive regions on the game board instantaneously. Only players that have Technical Research Level 6 or higher are affected instantly by a Solar Flare causing them to loose an entire Turn, however all players are affected by a Solar Flare as it can (depending on the magnitude) send an environmental shock causing a spike in Global Warming.

Volcanism: Volcanism

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